Steve Adams Suggests:

"Explain how you feel like you should be given a Congressional Medal of Honor if you ever shoot
one of these aircraft out of the sky."


On Saturday, Dec 2, 2000, at 9:51pm, Steve Adams of Valdosta Georgia sent the following message to a listserver called "Contrailsightings" :


Message # 915
From: Steve Adams
Date: Sat Dec 2, 2000 9:51pm
Subject: Where is this board going???

What a rip off!!! This guy, Mario, post a note to several groups that is so
vague that it can fit everyones needs. But he gives no details as to what is
on the tape to help us. What BS!!!

Mario, if you really want to help, quit sending messages to several
different groups, and focus on several different messages specialized to
help each group. Give detais as to what is on the tape that will be of
interest to us! I can afford to buy a $25 tape if I believed it had info
that could me or this cause. I don't have $14 to waste needlessly.

This egroup is really starting to show its colors. In the last month, most
of the messages I have seen posted here has a header of who the message is
goimg to that is longer than the message itself. And the message has little
interest as to the topic of this group. I'm beginning to feel like the
members of these groups are nothing but an advertising experiment.

And as far as Jay Reynolds goes, he has proved nothing to anybody that has
seen the contrails that the board is all about. He has not changed the
opinion of any one on this board that has tried to follow his ideas. He is a
propagandist trying to use peer pressure to convince us we have never seen
what we have really seen. That is how our history books are being rewritten
to distort the truth.

I have not reported too much to this board because there has not been much
to report in my area since I posted my webpage
You see, I'm willing to report it the way I see it. When someone poisons the
air I breathe, I consider that an act of war. And if our government would
ever do it's real job of protecting the people, they would too. My webpage
has been viewed many times by the Army and the spraying has stopped over my
area. I am not going to tolerate watching purple particles or spider web
material drift out of contrails in my air and neither are my neighbors or
other citizens (sic, actually denizens) of our town.

Do you really want to stop the spraying in your town? Do you really think it
is harmful? Then it is time to take it seriously. Contact the FAA the next
time you see spraying. If they say there is nothing in your airspace (the
normal BS answer) then ask for permission to shoot an enemy aircraft out of
the sky. Afeter all, what other aircraft would not show up on radar? Discuss
the contrails and your fears with the local police and Sheriff Dept. Also
discuss it with your city officials and bring it up a City Hall Meeting.
Discuss what is being seen in the contrail that concerns you, what the FAA
has said about aircraft in the area, and ask what could the enemy be
interested in around your area. Explain how you feel like you should be
given a Congressional Medal of Honor if you ever shoot one of these aircraft
out of the sky.

A national newspaper called "The Spotlight",
has been starting to take interest in the contrails. They have printed a
couple of stories with their own theories. This newspaper is quite
controversial, and definitely not mainstream. I don't agree with many of
their ideas but it is interesting to get a different perspective on things.
Gat some reprints on their past contrail articles to show to people and give
some credence as to what you are seeing.

We The People are the creators of government and therefore the masters
(parents) of government. We cannot running arond fearing our government
(child). When we do fear our government (child), we lose control of it, and
of our freedom. Fear is an attitude that only you can change. And freedom is
not free. Now, what are you going to do???

Steve Adams
Valdosta GA

The most pertinent quotes above by Adams are :

"Contact the FAA the next time you see spraying. If they say there is nothing in your airspace (the normal BS answer) then ask for permission to shoot an enemy aircraft out of the sky. Afeter all, what other aircraft would not show up on radar?"


"Explain how you feel like you should be given a Congressional Medal of Honor if you ever shoot one of these aircraft out of the sky."

It is obvious that Steve Adams does not say he would do such a thing, he is simply instructing others to do so. Steve Adams claims he is a former Sergeant in the US Air Force, and appears to have learned nothing about normal contrails during his service, when he repaired electronics on aircraft.

Unfortunately, as two years have now passed since the "chemtrail" hoax began, natural selection has taken place. What remains after such attrition of rational thinking people, most of whom have since quietly left the scene as embarrassed as Gary North after Y2K, are the real dim-wits, the half-wits, the believers in magic, the misguided greens, and the criminally insane.

Steve Adams, though functioning on the surface as a normal human, has gone over the deep end into the realm of insanity, and wants others to follow his lead. He wants someone else to shoot down an airplane making contrails, an airplane he has not identified, an airplane likely to be carrying normal passengers, perhaps even you or someone you love and care for.

I have seen this advocated more frequently over the past several months, and seen it tolerated by the vast majority of "chemtrail believers", including the operators of websites and messageboards related to "chemtrails". Not one of 65 recipients condemned Adams for his suggestion, except myself.


I have seen more than enough.

In the future, if I see any reference to such action, any reference at all, by anyone, I will initiate research to identify and report such people to the FBI as persons making terrorist threats. The text below is an example of what will take place. This message was sent to the FBI by me on 12/4/2000.

To: Special Agent Edward J. Kraus
Federal Bureau of Investigation

From: Jay Reynolds

Subject: Internet Threat of Airplane Shootdown

Dear Sir,

Please be aware that on the internet, at the website of URL:

within message #915, Steve Adams of Valdosta Georgia, who believes that military aircraft are spraying poison on him via contrails, is attempting to induce others to attack airplanes they see making contrails. I hope and pray no one is so foolish, but would be remiss for not reporting this activity. I have tried over the past two years to bring rationality to the people who hold similar beliefs, and will post at my website any and all further threats that appear when I see them.


Jay Reynolds




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